Emlands Atlantic - Grand Reopening

By LarryTLlama - Sep 27, 2023 - 💰 The Emlands

We're back! The Emlands Atlantic is reopening again!

The EA reopens on Friday, 29th September 2023. We'll begin to allow plot requests from everyone then!

Major Changes
The number of plots at the EA have not changed much, but the size of the plots has. The new plot size is 6x6 with a 4x4 basement.

❓ So what happened with the rest of the EA?
ðŸ”ļ We've added a new Union Shops area - Ask your union leader about getting a plot in EA (if they haven't already). 🌐
ðŸ”đ We've completely re-themed the whole dome with more nature. I hope you'll all agree it looks so much better <3 ðŸŠī
ðŸ”ļ We created a Theme-Park in the back corner of the dome too! ðŸŽĒ
ðŸ”đ Other things such as an upgraded casino, and (properly working) shulker and sign areas! 💰
ðŸ”ļ We turned the actual dome green, and took off the top so you can also fly into the dome with your elytras! 💚
ðŸ”đ We reworked the whole nether hub, including a much more reliable portal, and a *fancy lift* 🛗
ðŸ”ļ ðŸ—ŋ

Plots, as always, are still Free! Get in contact with LarryTLlama or any LCU member if you wish to be added to a plot!

We hope to see you selling in the EA very soon!