By LarryTLlama - Sep 15, 2023 - ❓ Other
It's great to see you here! Pretty much all the content in these channels are sent along to the website to be publicly viewed!
❓ **If you're viewing this post from the website, you'll need to join the LCU discord to comment.**
__**Only LCU members can create posts here.**__ Anyone can comment though.
Click on an article somewhere in this forum channel and send a message like you would normally in discord - Your comment will be added :)
❗ Tips to LCU Members for creating new blog posts:
> => Add an image each time, so it doesn't default to the horrible placeholder pic
> => Only the first image is shown on the website
> => When you create a new post, the description is taken as the main content. Make sure it works :)
❕ Tips to commenters:
> => Don't attach images unless you really need to. Only the text, and your user, will show up on the website.
> => Keep main chats in <#1058041553895051294> - Don't post long threads in the comments!
❣️ Tips to everyone:
> => Don't forget to keep it family-friendly :D
> => Don't use custom emojis, since they won't really work.
> => Make sure you stick to the guidelines - I made a thing that deletes blogs and/or comments too lol
Hopefully this stuff gets used - Let us know any feedback in the <#1058041553895051294>.